Thứ Năm, 1 tháng 12, 2016

Ways to Fake a Headboard

Up the ante on your bedroom style by thinking outside of the traditional frame—no headboard or new bed required. Create a focal point to center your room by introducing some much-needed visual interest above your bed with five headboard alternatives that offer the freedom of non-permanence.

-  Mounted Shelving

By far the most dynamic headboard alternative, shelving units bring necessary structure above the bed with infinite styling options. Cluster blocks together and mount slightly off-kilter above each pillow, or stack floating shelves above each other on a staggered step. If a ready-made formation is more your thing, look for larger, pre-grouped geometric units. Just as with wall art, measure to make sure your bottom shelf will clear of your head when sitting in bed.

- Wall Murals and Decals

These sticky solutions are tailor-made for those looking to avoid power tools of any kind (or the indecisive). Wall murals and decals span the style spectrum, from those mimicking traditional headboards to abstract, geometric options that convey the general illusion. Their peel-and-stick format makes installing and removing easy, but take care to smooth out any air bubbles as it goes up for a crisp finish.

-  Wallpaper

Don’t worry, we don’t mean actually installing wallpaper—but rather making the most of this transformative material in ingenious ways. A world of possibilities await with this one, in both wallpaper styles (color, pattern, and texture galore) and how to display it. Hang it from ceiling to floor at each side of your bed for a beautifully linear option, or mount it on a pieces of foam board for a shape that evokes a headboard. These atypical installations are both affordable, taking just one or two lengths of wallpaper to achieve, and easy to swap out if you find yourself craving a change.
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-  Wall Art

This clever substitute echoes the structure of a headboard and takes it one step further for an eye-catching statement. To master the effect, the artwork should cover the same width on the wall as your bed (or just a tad longer). Opt for long rectangular pieces, or select a set of multiples to fill in that same space. Be sure to measure carefully before hanging, ensuring there’s enough height between your pillow and the bottom of the piece so it doesn’t end up interrupting sleep. We recommend leaving at least 18-28 inches from the top of your mattress, depending if you want full clearance.

-  Faux Window

Love a bedroom drenched in natural light? Create the illusion of sunny window framing your bed by combining a smartly shaped mirror with airy curtains. Look for mirrors with paneling details in metal or wood that mimic a window frame. Hang the mirror first, mount the curtains to hang floor-to-ceiling, then draw them in slightly, just meeting the edges of the mirror for a realistic at-first-glance setup.

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